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Take a tour of the activities of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong

publish:2024-04-01 15:51:41   views :196
publish:2024-04-01 15:51:41  

The Charitable Foundation collaborates with the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to organise visits and exchange activities for Mainland youths. Learn about Hong Kong's unique legislative and political process, experience the political culture of "One Country, Two Systems", and strengthen youth exchanges and cultural identity between the two places through this activity. after

Special activities such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Hong Kong Police Station and the Hong Kong Government Secretariat will be held according to the time nodes.

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ADD:9/F,80Gloucester Road,Wanchai,HK香港仔告士打道809楼
TEL: +8618338388881
E-Mail: lisaluk9400@gmail.com
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